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| L A W S | [/color] and any other information you need to know about our site. Please be sure to read all of our rules, regulations and information BEFORE you register and create a Character.[/i][/blockquote][/blockquote]This is where our laws are located. Here you may find things such as our |Plot| |Rules| |Race Information| |
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| F - A - Q | F.requently A.sked Q.uestions. Don't know everything you need to? Have some questions you'd like to ask us? Well if you have any questions, or just some suggestions pertaining the site, please feel free to post them here, suggestions and questions are always welcomed by Admin. The staff or any other helping member will be right with you as soon as they can. Do not be afraid, we don't bite. |
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| H O W L I N G | [/size][/color] by the staff for the site.[/i][/blockquote][/blockquote]This is the board for all |Announcements| |Activity Checks| |Polls| |
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| T H E - E N D - O F - A L L - T H R E A D S | This is the thread graveyard, any thread that has been ended, or had died due to inactivity will be moved here. If an Admin does not know if a thread is active, and there has been no post within two weeks, the inactive thread will be moved here. If it was just a mistake, and it is in fact still being posted on, please let the admin know so that we may fix it. Finished threads shall be laid to rest here. |
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| C H A R A C T E R - R E G I S T R A T I O N S | Here is where we all begin, at the Character Registration. Create your deepest desire here, tell us who you are. Let the blood flow and keys fly and come into our world. Make the real demons from your mind come true, this is the place of creation. Place your literate children safely here until accepted by an Admin. |
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| A C C E P T E D - C H A R A C T E R S | Finally accepted into our new world, welcome to endangered new comer. All the hard work and creativity you have put into your character has paid off at last. If your character rests safely within these walls, you may use them to your hearts desire, but be warned, your character must be placed here by an Admin, before you are allowed to participate in any Role Play. |
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| D E A D - C H A R A C T E R S | Sadly we lay them to rest, we cannot keep them safe. Their breathe shall cease, their hearts no longer beat. Let your characters rest in peace here. |
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| A R T E M I S I A - F O R E S T | Here is the forest of Artemisia. These woods go deep, trees in some places are tightly packed in, while others widely spread. The trees tower high overhead giving plenty shade. |
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| D R I F S T - R I V E R | Here is a fairly larger river that runs through the forest of Artemisia. Its current is gentle, and fish are abundant around here. Vegetation is very common here, as is the prey. |
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| F A E L I V A N - M O U N T A I N S | These are the deep mountains where the viscous Velutina pack hunt and roam at their own free will. Prey travel frequently through these mountains. |
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| X U E - C A V E S | The Velutina's den is hidden deep within the Faelivan Mountains to keep enemies farther away from the young, or the sleeping wolves. Inside the caves it's cool, shady, and dry. |
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| I L L E U - P L A I N S | Rolling plains close to the ocean. Tall grass a little trees. The ocean breeze sweeps through here without hindrance, giving a pure wind. |
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| A Y I Y I - S H O R E S | These shores are the border of the Aquaeois pack;; this is the only place where the ocean meets land. Waves may be gentle and calm but the tides come in when the day comes to a end. |
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| E L I E T A - C L I F F S | The rocky cliffs aside the Ayiyi ocean serve as the Dens of the Aquaeois Pack. The pups learn at a young age to be agile and have no fears of heights. The winds pick up to great speeds at the very top of these cliffs, be careful if you are not used to wind or water elements!!! |
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| G Y A L B R I E Z - W O O D L A N D S | [/size]These are the vast woodlands of the Terrias pack. Trees as far as the orbs can see. Hunting is excelent here. |
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| L I N E L L - G U L L Y | [/size]Steep and wide, the Linell Gully is half a mile wide, the happening of age old floods. Water has pooled up in areas, and in others flows freely like a river. |
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| Z O P U D E V - D R O P | [/size]A deep drop off, sharp into the Linell gully. This is also the border to the Russet Canyon into the Nomadic Lands. |
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| R U S S E T - C A N Y O N | Loners wander this land in search of shelter, food and water. Life is tough out here, careful not to fall to the rocky depths below. |
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| M I L L E C H - R I V E R | The river runs deep within the Russet Canyon, through the Tiliae fields and into the Crystaline woods. The clear waters look inviting, but the liquid is no where near cool. It will only satisfy the thirst for a few days. |
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| C R Y S T A L I N E - W O O D S | Snow enveloped trees glitter in the sunlight. Be wary of the branches, they often become too heavy and tend to drop their burden of frozen water upon unsuspecting victims. Despite the dangers the land is still as beautiful as ever. |
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| T I L I A E - F I E L D S | The small plateau next to the Russet Canyon. Flowers upon flowers range here. Despite this land being harsh and unlivable, life has found a way to grow. |
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| C H A N C E - E N C O U N T E R S | Introduce yourself as you or your character. It doesn't matter, either way we can see into your soul this way... |
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| S I L E N T - W H I S P E R S | Shall we play a |G|A|M|E|? Or perhaps we could tell a |S|T|O|R|Y|? Anything you could dream of, anything at all, you may 'hide' here. |
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| A S S I S T I N G - T H E - N E E D Y | Aid is here, calm yourselves. The Calvary have arrived. You no longer need to worry about miss use of words, nor will you have to worry about feeling 'ignorant'. Our members are here to help you. |
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| A F F I L I A T I O N - I S - K E Y | Affiliate with us, join or ever growing P|A|C|K. Become our B|r|o|t|h|e|r or S|i|s|t|e|r site. Or, if you so choose, flaunt yourself, Advertise your board. We do not jugde. |
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Medieval Island a wild&mythical equine rpg.(advert by Mariah MI Admin Feb 20, 2010 6:22:06 GMT -5 |
| A B A N D O N - U S | If you leave for any amount of time and do not wish to be stricken from the records, please tell us. Accidents will not be the responsibility of the staff. |
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